Mr Green Emoji

a fatgammon that loves his little piggy dog and loves kids

Green's emoji that shows a good expression. 最新資訊 【LINE STORE特別活動】4天超優惠活動!LINE GAME回饋大幅增量(2月12日~2月15日).

  1. A head of a rich green leaf vegetable, usually shown with white stalks. May be used to represent a variety of greens, including romaine lettuce, chard, and Chinese cabbage like bok choy, as commonly cooked in Asian cuisines. Leafy Green was approved as part of Unicode 11.0 in 2018 and added to Emoji.
  2. Then, you can type a word, like 'whale' and voila, quickly find the emoji you're looking for! 🐳 However, there's still no Mr Green, which I'm very sad about 😭 So, I hope you all have fun with this new found knowledge, I look forward to being visually pleased by your use of a wide range of emojis in future 😎.
by pete p[d0- November 14, 2019
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a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass
Get a la chancla mug for your coworker James.
A cute green smiley that is a basic staple to all phpbb forum emoticons. It is green, rather than yellow, and displays a huge teethy grin, expressing a large ammount of happiness.
Reply: Jobs!
Hey guys, I just got a raise! :mrgreen: haha I like Mr. Green! lol!
Get a Mr. Green mug for your buddy Rihanna.

Cute Green Emojis a weird assbus driver looks a man and looks like a guy on vagra and a perv and likes to masturbate on our bus ask like a airplane Captain and all in all out shit head.
by Ayyy123356 August 22, 2019
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Yo, you have Mr. Green for APUSH? He’s the mfgoat
Get a Mr. Green mug for your mama Riley.
Oh our dearest Mr. Green, where do we begin? There are so many great things about you, that we can’t even name them all. We appreciate all the tough love, and life lessons you gave us. You’re super funny and one of the best teachers we have ever had. We’re going to miss you next school year. You are our all time favorite teacher, and nobody can ever replace you. Thank you Mr. Green. You made our eighth grade year the best school year of our lives.

Emoji Green Circle

by Danriverrules01 May 08, 2019

Green Emoji Heart

Get a Mr.Green mug for your Aunt Riley.
I ain't doing shit for you unless I get a visit from Mr. Green.
Or. Be sure to bring Mr. Green with you when we meet.
Get a Mr. Green mug for your father Callisto.

Mar 8 trending

Green Happy Emoji

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose